PHPSerbia Tickets
Save the best for last - PHP Serbia Mobile App Friday, May 25, 2018


That means hello and that’s a proper way to start talking to other delegates during the conference. If you are still not confident talking in Serbian and could use some help with networking, we saved one last surprise: PHP Serbia Mobile App.

Download it now!

You will be receiving push notifications with the live updates during the event.

Your personal agenda
Create your personal schedule for both tracks and you will get an instant notification before the talk starts.

Read about the speakers and find out which track to visit to hear their talk. Each speaker has a section where you can view their presentation or take notes.

This feature allows you to take one more look or download the presentation.

Get busy and write down everything you’ve learned during the talk. Save the notes to read and research later.

Helping you network on the event was one of the main reasons we came up with the app. You can connect with other delegates by scanning barcode on their conference tickets and add them to your contacts.

You will receive a notification once the video materials are uploaded when the conference ends. Download the app now, so you can keep track of all the talks, hear the talks you’ve missed or to have another look at those you were particularly interested in.

Thank you Navus for making this possible! 

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